Spring Cleaning with Cleavers

St. Brigid day, the 1st February originally a pagan festival called Imbolc is traditionally the beginning of spring in Ireland. – In 2024 a bank holiday observed on February, Mon 5th. We now have gender equality with St. Patrick, March, Sun 17th. 🍀🍀🍀



Cleavers otherwise known as ‘goose grass’ has been used for centuries as a spring time cleansing and detox agent. Cleavers is very high in a group of compounds called coumarins, which are the compounds that fill the air with with distinctive fragrance when a lawn is being mown.

Coumarins have a wonderful effect upon the lymphatic system. They cause a natural contraction of the lymphatic vessel walls, enhancing lymphatic return. This speeds up the rate at which waste products within the lymphatic system vessels are removed via the kidneys.

Cleansing herbal tea blend

The problem with many health regimes is that they require an amount of time and energy available maybe to Nepalese hermits, but not to the ordinary wage earner or homemaker.
See and feel the difference in just 10 days. Glowing skin. Reduced bloating. Improved energy and mood. – As simple as a cup of tea a day!

Why detox? – Think of the body as a finely tuned machine, if we do not feed it with the proper fuel it will under perform. Toxic overload will lead to lack of energy, weight gain, bloating, skin problems, premature ageing and the increased possibility of more long-term complaints.

Flor-Essence does not provide an instant purgative effect; rather with consistent use, its eight ingredients identify, gather and flush toxins out of the body:

  • Burdock Root
  • Sheep Sorrel
  • Slippery Elm Bark
  • Turkish Rhubarb Root
  • Red Clover
  • Blessed Thistle Herb
  • Kelp
  • Watercress

The once-at-bedtime herbal tea blend (Essiac / Flor-Essence) cleanses the body while you sleep.

Fight Colds and Flu Naturally

Many of you will be suffering one of these horrid ailments as the chilly months encroach upon us.

Germs are always around but a strong immune system will take them in its stride. The white blood cells have the ability to detect and destroy bacteria and viruses before they start anything, so it is in everyone’s best interests to see that they have everything they need to function well.

  • Rest – get plenty of sleep.
  • Fluids – water, herbal teas with lemon, honey, cinnamon and ginger.
  • Laughter – your immune system works best when you are happy!
  • Natural vitamin C – salads and fresh fruit might seem unappealing when it is cold but do not abandon fruit and vegetables. Make vegetable soups, stew fruit with warming spices.
  • Echinacea – helps the white blood cells in their task of spotting bugs and of engulfing and destroying them once spotted. A daily maintenance dose can help keep bugs at bay. An increased dose will shorten the duration of colds and the flu.
