Are you suffering from a persistent cough? One that’s hard to shift?
Nature’s answer is Thyme, which is well known for its culinary use. The common thyme originates from the Mediterranean and is the most commonly used medicinal variety. Thymes are relatives of the oregano genus origanum.
USES Chest conditions, coughs, and bronchitis.
HOW IT WORKS The primary active components of thyme are the volatile oils, especially thymol. These act locally on the lungs as they are eliminated from the body through the respiratory tract, disinfecting the airways, relaxing bronchial spasm and reducing the viscosity of mucus.
These actions help the lungs expel mucus, benefiting bronchitis and chesty catarrhal conditions.
Thyme is most effectively taken as a fresh herbal tincture, but it also can give relief as a herbal tea or infusion.
Or take a spoonful of raw thyme honey … to sooth that irritating sensation.