Herbal remedies for Catarrh


Catarrh can be a problem at any time of year but it’s even more common in the winter when colds and flu are about. Catarrh is a reaction to irritation of the mucous membranes in the nasal passages. This could be caused by an allergic reaction to something in the environment, in the diet, or chemical pollutants in the home, as well as the after effect of a winter bug.

Which herb can help?

Plantago is a very common unspectacular herb to look at found in fields and meadows throughout Europe but its ordinary appearance disguises its value as a medicinal herb. In Gaelic the herb is known as “the healing plant”. Some know it as “soldiers”.


Plantago lanceolata – Lance Leaf Plantain – herbal remedies for catarrh

Plantain juice will NOT go mouldy during storage. This is due to the presence of naturally occurring antibiotics.

Plantago contains mucilage, tannins and silicic acid. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, astringent and demulcent properties. As well as being a great catarrh buster, Plantago can also be helpful with sinusitis, ear infections and coughs.

Natural Immunity Boost 🎈

Some points to consider, if you intend to 🎈 boost your immunity naturally against cold and flu symptoms caused by bacteria and viruses:-

immunity boost

Hygiene. Observe sensible precautions – hand-washing, cleanliness.

Eat healthily. Avoid processed foods in favour of freshly harvested local fruit and vegetables.

Refined sugar damages the immune system.

Garlic is naturally anti-viral. Also anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and blood-thinning. Add to food at the end of cooking to avoid damaging the active enzyme or chose to supplement your diet with Kyolic garlic a specially aged odourless garlic.

Vitamin C has proven anti-viral properties.

The mineral Zinc is vital for immunity. Whole grains and milk products are good sources of zinc. Baked beans, chickpeas, and nuts (like cashews and almonds) also contain zinc.

Consider taking specific anti-viral herbal remedies like elderberry & olive leaf extract.

Colloidal silver is known for centuries for its biocidal properties. It can be sprayed around mouth and nose or taken internally for protection against viruses.

The well documented and researched Echinacea purpurea makes the immune system more active, better able to combat viruses and bacteria and is very safe for long-term use without any side-effects.

> Echinacea against Coronaviruses
> Research paper on Echinacea’s anti-viral properties.

Back to School Blues

Q. My son hates going back to school after the freedom of the holidays. Also he often ends up with head lice or a sore throat thanks to at least one of his schoolmates which just makes things worse. What can I do to get him to go back more willingly and keep him clear of bugs and beasties?


A. Going back to school is always a traumatic time for kids, both boys and girls, as they face the challenges of the year ahead, but yes, there are gentle remedies that can help.

Passiflora is a wonderful herbal remedy that may help to calm frayed nerves. If your son just lacks a little self confidence, you could try Indigo Essences, gentle essences, which are made in Ireland and help transform negative emotions such as shyness or low self esteem into positive ones.

Head lice are all-to-common undesired guests. As only one in five people with head lice have an itchy scalp the best way to find out if your family has them is by regular checking! How do you get rid of them? You want something that is gentle but also effective at ridding your life of lice. Neem shampoo is a natural head lice repellent that contains Neem seed extract, which is both gentle on the scalp and superbly effective. The beauty of it is that it doesn’t just get rid of the lice but also the eggs, which most chemical shampoos can’t do.

Children who are well nourished will have stronger immune systems and will be better able to throw off infections. It is not healthy to be overly protected from bugs and beasties – the immune system needs some challenges in order to mature. Feed your child well, make sure they run about in the fresh air regularly, and don’t worry about the occasional cold or runny nose. Turning the central heating up and dosing them with antibiotics will just weaken their immune function in the long term.

If your child is healthy all summer and then picks up a bug the minute he returns to school you can give them Echinacea and Vitamin C to help prevent them falling ill.

Sage is a very effective natural remedy to treat sore throats.

All remedies are available in-store.
