The problem with many health regimes is that they require an amount of time and energy available maybe to Nepalese hermits, but not to the ordinary wage earner or homemaker.

See and feel the difference in just 10 days. Glowing skin. Reduced bloating. Improved energy and mood. – As simple as a cup of tea a day! Why detox? – Think of the body as a finely tuned machine, if we do not feed it with the proper fuel it will under perform. Toxic overload will lead to lack of energy, weight gain, bloating, skin problems, premature ageing and the increased possibility of more long-term complaints.

See and feel the difference in just 10 days. Glowing skin. Reduced bloating. Improved energy and mood. – As simple as a cup of tea a day! Why detox? – Think of the body as a finely tuned machine, if we do not feed it with the proper fuel it will under perform. Toxic overload will lead to lack of energy, weight gain, bloating, skin problems, premature ageing and the increased possibility of more long-term complaints.
Flor-Essence does not provide an instant purgative effect; rather with consistent use, its eight ingredients identify, gather and flush toxins out of the body:
- Burdock Root
- Sheep Sorrel
- Slippery Elm Bark
- Turkish Rhubarb Root
- Red Clover
- Blessed Thistle Herb
- Kelp
- Watercress
The once-at-bedtime herbal tea blend (Essiac / Flor-Essence) cleanses the body while you sleep.