Catarrh can be a problem at any time of year but it’s even more common in the winter when colds and flu are about. Catarrh is a reaction to irritation of the mucous membranes in the nasal passages. This could be caused by an allergic reaction to something in the environment, in the diet, or chemical pollutants in the home, as well as the after effect of a winter bug.
Which herb can help?
Plantago is a very common unspectacular herb to look at found in fields and meadows throughout Europe but its ordinary appearance disguises its value as a medicinal herb. In Gaelic the herb is known as “the healing plant”. Some know it as “soldiers”.
Plantain juice will NOT go mouldy during storage. This is due to the presence of naturally occurring antibiotics.
Plantago contains mucilage, tannins and silicic acid. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, astringent and demulcent properties. As well as being a great catarrh buster, Plantago can also be helpful with sinusitis, ear infections and coughs.