Themeing MarketPress ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two methods to create custom designs for MarketPress stores: Basic Styles: Basic styles are comprised of a css file and an optional images folder that is loaded and applied on store pages. To create a basic style: 1. Create a css file in the /wp-content/marketpress-styles/ directory with your custom styles. It may be easiest to copy our default.css theme and modify it. 2. Make sure to add the custom theme header with your theme's name at the top of the css file: /* MarketPress Style: CUSTOMNAME */ Including this header will cause your custom theme to show in the dropdown on the Store Settings -> Presentation page so it may be selected. 3. You can also optionally create a subdirectory for your css images in the /wp-content/marketpress-styles/ folder and link to images within it with relative urls like "image-folder/my-image.jpg". Advanced Themes: MarketPress uses custom post types to display it's products. This means that you can use the same WP theme templating system you are familiar with. We simply provide a customized subset of template functions so you don't have to worry about dealing with post meta. Template functions are fully documented and can be found in the /marketpress/marketpress-includes/template-functions.php file. E.g. to create a custom product page: 1. Make a copy of the page.php template file in your theme directory and rename it mp_product.php 2. mp_product.php must use the mp_* functions instead of the_content(), see template-functions.php for a list of functions relevant to products. MarketPress searches your current theme folder for template files specific to store pages. If a template file does not exist it loads the theme's page template instead. Just like WP, the plugin will search for templates in order of priority from top to bottom. Here are possible file names for store templates in order: Single Product Page mp_product-PRODUCTNAME.php mp_product-PRODUCTID.php mp_product.php Store Page mp_store.php Cart/Checkout Page mp_cart.php Order Status Page mp_orderstatus.php Product List Page mp_productlist.php Product Category List Page mp_category-CATEGORYSLUG.php mp_category-CATEGORYID.php mp_category.php mp_taxonomy.php mp_productlist.php Product Tag List Page mp_tag-TAGSLUG.php mp_tag-TAGID.php mp_tag.php mp_taxonomy.php mp_productlist.php -------------------------------------------------- Global Listings - Will only work on main site/blog -------------------------------------------------- Product List Page mp_global_products.php mp_productlist.php Product Category List Page mp_global_category-CATEGORYSLUG.php mp_global_category.php mp_global_category_list.php Product Tag List Page mp_global_tag-TAGSLUG.php mp_global_tag.php mp_global_tag_list.php 21271-1437071951