Silicea – Skin, Hair, Nails, Digestion


Quartz – Silicon dioxide

Silicea to maintain the beauty of healthy skin, hair and nails.

Silicea can be very helpful for arthritis as well as digestive disorders to treat symptoms like heartburn, reflux, and for irritable bowel (IBS) symptoms like nausea, flatulence, abdominal pain, bowel discomfort and diarrhoea.

Silicon is an essential trace element in the body. It is present in all organs and structures, but particularly in bones, skin, hair and nails.

In skin and bones, connective tissue acts like scaffolding to support the tissue structures. Silicon is an important component of this connective tissue.

Silicea is the result of combining silicon and oxygen in a colloidal solution. This state between solid and liquid, presents the body with molecules, which are easily absorbed.

Colloidal Silicic Acid (Silicea) is available in capsules and liquid form for human consumption and for food supplementation.

>Silicea as a homeopathic remedy is used for poor stamina, weakness, inflammation of glands, chronic discharges, uncharacteristic odour, sensitivity to senses, boils and abscesses, earaches, splinters, and inflamed eyelids.

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